The thing about writers is that we love a good book. And if that book promises to make our writing stronger in some way—Woohoo! Or perhaps it promises us to make us able to make a living from our writing. YEEHAW!! Or how to live on the amount of money we can make from our writing. Or, or, or…
There are lots of great craft books out there, and they line our shelves like fairy dust. They promise hope and skill and success and thriving. And I want that for us. I want us to be able to make something happen from them.
Is that so wrong?
So, here’s the deal. The books can do nothing for us if we don’t read them. So how can we do that?
What about reading them together?
Books for the Thriving Creative will be a different kind of reading experience. Instead of trying to read “a book a month” in a club setting, we’ll be delving into the book at our own pace with a method to ensure finishing. The books I’ve selected cover writing craft, creativity and business, and approach these topics in ways that (hopefully—I’ll be reading along with you!) veer from the normal advice.
Because we’ve all heard and read so much of the “normal” advice that we know it by heart.
And that method to ensure finishing?
Set a regular page or time goal for every day-ish. Mine is ten pages a day, five days a week. If you only have a certain amount of time or read by audio, select an amount of time that feels doable. The amount of time or pages isn’t the important thing. It’s that the goal is so easy to fulfill that it’s almost easier to do it than to skip it.
Read Straight Through. Most of these sorts of books have exercises and journal prompts. Don’t let those slow you down. Read through them and keep moving! And you can do this because you…
Read with Tools. When reading, make sure to have a pencil or pen to underline and write any thoughts or responses in the margins. Highlighters work great for marking sentences that inspire. Tape flags can mark passages, exercises or journal prompts you’d like to revisit.
Once you’ve finished reading the book through, you can return to those marked pages, do the exercises, note the inspirational quotes in your journal and engage with the book however you’d like.
Including taking it to the used book store or nearest little free library.
Our first book for 2025 will be You Don't Need a Budget: Stop Worrying About Debt, Spend Without Shame, and Manage Money With Ease by Dana Miranda (also available in electronic and audio at all of the regular places), which promises to free us from toxic budget culture and take advantage of resources available to those left behind by capitalism—which is the part that I've found most useful in making a living as a professional writer and coach and a big part about why I picked this as our first book. Gotta know how to survive if you're going to Thrive!
Are you in?! I’ve started a chat thread in Substack here so we can begin talking about the process!
State your goals there or in the comments below. Suggest writing craft, creativity and business books you’d like to read but need some support to finish and we’ll add them to the list! Or just chat with your fellow readers!
See you in the reading room!
A mellow dance party for reading breaks this time—Thanks Brandi!
I’m LA (as in tra-la-la) Bourgeois, a writer and KMCC certified coach dedicated to empowering and inspiring you to manifest your meaning joyfully!
So, how does that show up? This newsletter arrives in your inbox with stories and essays that deliver encouragement, empowerment, and exercises to boost your imagination and creativity!
I also do one-on-one coaching (packages start at just $100/month) and host special events like the Reading Retreat for Everyone.
Sorry can't talk right now.
I'm reading.